Ultimate Mallu Avatar

We were visiting Kerala once when my cousin sister was getting married there. A day after the wedding the newly-wed couple had thrown a houseboat party. I am always fascinated with the Malayalam food, their culture and their simplicity. The ladies wear these beautiful white and gold cotton sarees which are so typical of the place! I had bought one with pink embroidery. I wanted to dress up like a Malayali woman for the houseboat party.

Gold chain, gold bangles, long hair and white and gold saree – the perfect attire of a Malayali woman. It surprised quite a few people in the family but the funniest part was when the local people we met on the way to houseboat started speaking to me in Malayalam. May be they thought I am one of their own!


I didn’t complain though!

P.S. I was really thinking hard what can I write for today. Then Facebook showed this memory from 4 years back! It saved my day!

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This post is written for the A to Z Challenge 2016 for Day 21 Letter U. Visit A to ZBlogChatter to read other beautiful bloggers!