Very Fat Lady

Sometimes it’s so funny that people don’t realise the obvious. I was in Kolkata last year before my baby was born. I was 7 months pregnant when my uncle left us for the heavenly abode. It was a moment of shock for most of us since he was one of the nicest men around and loved by everyone – young or old. We held a prayer meet and funeral according to Hindu rites where many dropped by because my uncle was quite famous amongst his peers.

I was already tired and exhausted with his loss, the funeral and my health. I was sitting down quietly at a corner not wanting to talk to many people. At this time one of the distant family relative came and asked how I was, when I came from Bangalore, why my husband didn’t come and other rubbish.

She also said – you have become full ‘ginni’ (Bengali term for expert wife). You have become very fat, husband is showering you with love!

I could only give a blank dry smile. But inside I wanted to scream – ARE YOU BLIND???

Carrying a baby is no joke and people do put on weight. Why is it so difficult for people to see the obvious?

I laugh over it now, but that time I wanted to answer back! 

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This post is written for the A to Z Challenge 2016 for Day 22 Letter V. Visit A to ZBlogChatter to read other beautiful bloggers!