Tuesday, June 28, 2016

#AtoZChallenge 2016 Day 2 - B is Braving the Bumble!

B is Braving the Bumble!

I like wearing freshly laundered and pressed clothes for work and I like ironing my clothes myself. But you know sometimes you are running late and need to iron in a hurry just before you step out.

So on this particular morning, I grabbed my formals which were drying out in the balcony and did quick ironing before I went for my bath.  

Husband was still asleep as his work timings were very different. I wore my trouser and was buttoning up my shirt when I felt a sharp pain on the back of my left knee. This pain was strong and painful enough to get me screaming and jumping half dressed. It woke my sleepy hubby who could only muster “you’re screaming so loud!!”

When I tried to feel the area of pain I could feel something fluttering!

‘What the hell! What was in my pants! A cockroach!!!’

Those few seconds were hell… I hate cockroach.. or anything like that.

Indro came for help. I could feel he was grinning inside with my third eye I guess, and I was in a good mood to give that back but this flustering entity was the bigger problem at that moment. The pants were off in a second. And guess what came flying out – a bee!! A big fat black and yellow bumble bee!!!!

The sight of it was bad enough to get me screaming louder but the pain was worse.

Leg in pain, huge bee flying in the room – it was horror story for me.

I had to go to work, had an important morning meeting but the leg was in bad shape – swollen, red and burning. Damn that bumble bee!! I remembered applying vinegar would bring relief. Don’t know where I had heard that. Indro got the vinegar bottle from the kitchen in a flash and I fetched some cotton from the medicine chest. Just before application the label on the bottle caught my attention. It read Chili Vinegar!!!!

Can you imagine what would have happened?

Some after shave came to rescue and I limped till work later.

One brave bee, I tell you!

For more of such anecdotes from my life keep visiting throughout April. 


Do you have any experience with a bee or any other insect? Let me know. I’ll wait for your comment.

This post is written for the A to Z Challenge 2016 for Day 2 Letter B. Visit A to ZBlogChatter to read other beautiful bloggers!


  1. hahahaha oh dear !!! :D chilli vinegar!! You have an exciting life. I was once bitten by Bumble bee... the pain made me see the stars and moons.

    Visiting from A to Z Challenge
    Pam's Unconventional Alliance Team
    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

  2. Hahaha...you poor dear! Thankfully I havent been bitten by one! I'll be back for your C story ;)
    @KalaRavi16 from

  3. Years ago (in the coldest month of the year!) I got in our car and sat on a wasp. An hour drive to work was ahead of me, sitting on the throbbing sting. I stood at my desk all day, it hurt so much. Ouch! That was a painful story of yours to read. Chili vinegar, that was a close call! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. Yeah damn that bee. Thanks Alana for dropping by

  4. I liked how effortlessly you explained our mundane everyday experiences in life :)

  5. Bees Are Good Luck - Really! I decided to Google BEES and the word LUCK. Read some BEE-LORE, that has made me feel a lot more comfortable with the buzzing visitors. In fact, I'm actually feeling a lot better now... kind of.If a bee enters your home, it's a sign that you will soon have a visitor. If you kill the bee, you will have bad luck, or the visitor will be unpleasant. Bees have often been regarded as wise and even holy insects. Now, if for some reason MY BEES decide to give an encore performance, I will know exactly what to do, to make the MOST out of the situation.

  6. Agony for sure, but the way you wrote about it, made me grinn. Thank you!

  7. Ouch! Good luck on the challenge! We're doing “I’ve Got The Music In Me” this year on The Road We’ve Shared. – looking at how important music is in the Down syndrome community. I hope you’ll stop by and see/hear! http://theroadweveshared.com/category/a-to-z-blogging-challenge-2016

  8. Ha ha..!! Cockroach and then bee.. it was a funny tale and I know it sounds funny to readers, but in reality it must have been a real pain.. Bee bites are a nightmare!

    Take care woman!


  9. I once had a bee bite on my cheek it was horrible. I hate cockroaches and the very sight of them. Nice narration girl. Will surely come back:)

    Drop by and share your thought:

  10. Oh man!! thankfully that label caught your attention. This was funny but yes, must have been painful and that you had to call it a day off. Poor you!

    1. Yeah otherwise needed the fire tanker I guess

  11. I was in Turkey in the middle of nowhere, travelling in the back of a friends truck when we drove into a bee from a nearby hive - it stung me on my head... total panic, have never been stung before so didn't know if I might be allergic... but middle of nowhere so wouldn't be able to get help if I was!

    Thankfully I'm not but I will never forget that bee!

    I also got stung by a wasp that then got trapped in my hair... was on my own, worst 10 mins of my life insect wise.... I see a pattern emerging I think - I have attractive hair to insects!

    Mars xx
    @TrollbeadBlog from
    Curling Stones for Lego People


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